Spiced mince was a staple in the house when Ben and Liam were young. They liked spice and were prepared to try things whereas Mollie and Daisy just say nope, don’t like that.
1 shop-bought garlic naan per person.
2 red onions sliced very thinly.
4 grated garlic cloves.
3 fresh chilies
Shaoxing cooking wine.
4 spring onions sliced thinly.
1 inch of grated ginger root.
Oyster sauce
Dark soy.
Sesame oil.
Preheat the oven to 180/350 gas mark 4
Heat the wok up on a high heat and when hot add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
Take the onions and add to the hot wok and stir around constantly. We want them to soften but not burn or colour.
Now add the mince when the onions have cooked off for 3-4 minutes. Stir around and ensure the pink mince is now a brown/ grey colour.
Add the grated garlic and the ginger. Stir around.
After 3 or 4 minutes add the chilies, Shaoxing and the soy.
After a further 2-3 minutes add the oyster sauce. Around 3-4 tablespoons should be adequate. We will cook it for a further 5 minutes and then taste it. If too salty from the Oyster sauce then add a teaspoon of sugar, granulated or caster are both fine. If you have it then palm sugar is even better but not many people have this lying around in their kitchen cupboards !!
Once happy then we place some on top of the naan bread and place it in the oven for 10 minutes.
Serve with a cold drink and a dollop of Greek yogurt (CHOPPED FRESH OR DRIED MINT IS VERRRY NICE MIXED IN THIS).
The above recipe can be served in other ways. Either on a garlic bread base and with a sprinkling of mozzarella cheese to create an oyster sauce and mince pizza. It can be served on some boiled rice or stired through some freshly cooked thin rice noodles. With all the recipes I drizzle some sesame oil and the spring onions on at the last minute just before I serve.
Enjoy. KH